Scope & Availability

Scope & Coverage

We get our transcripts directly from the SEC / EDGAR. All filings submitted electronically from 1994 onwards are included. We have every filing that is available on EDGAR. The filings are presented in their original, unmodified form.


We strive to import and process filings as soon as they are available, and in most cases they become available on BamSEC within a minute or two of being filed. In some rare cases, like during earnings season, the delay may be as long as 5 to 10 minutes. If you are subscribed to your Email Alerts, you will receive a notification as soon as a new filing becomes available.

Some filings are filed confidentially but made publicly available much later, sometimes several weeks or months. Examples of confidentially-filed filings include draft registration statements, SEC comments on registration statements, or monthly money market funds holdings reports. In such cases, they will become available on BamSEC by the end of the day on the day when they became publicly available.

Seeing Which Filings Are Available

Browsing filings does not require a subscription, and all filings are available regardless of subscription status. Some of the metadata added by BamSEC, such as period of report or the titles of the corresponding press release for 8-Ks, may be blurred out for non-subscribers when viewing older filings. Premium features for working with filings are also only available to active subscribers.